Dear friends,
It has a been a whirlwind of a month and I’ve been a little silent on this blog. All for a good reason—I promise! First . . . I signed with the literary agent of my dreams. Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. I couldn’t be more thrilled to partner with her. Writing can be an exhausting and even draining venture with all the thrills of a roller coaster ride. Having an agent to navigate those dips and unexpected curves is a blessing and a necessity. I can’t wait to share a little more with you as things unfold. After much prayer and consideration, I am returning to a first love. Biblical history with a dash of romance and adventure.
For those of you who have followed my blog thus far—I love the young adult fantasy genre, but I’ve always felt pulled towards ancient history. I hope you stay along for the journey as I rework my website to better suit the novels I will be writing in the future. Stay tuned for fun interviews with other authors and giveaways this coming year.
Second, my husband and I took a much-needed vacation after two years! Yes. Two whole years. Writers need rest. So do pastors. We’ve left the cold, frost touched prairies for palm trees and white sand. It has done my heart a world of good. Ideas for future books have been blossoming.
Here we are at Hollywood Studios. Riding rollercoasters and catching the flower show, of course!
Finally, Mother’s Day is here. It is often a bittersweet day for me. I rejoice over my three little girls who bring laughter and sweetness every day. However, my mother died of cancer ten years ago after a valiant battle. Even though my mother passed away, her words still whisper to me.
You can do it.
Have you prayed about it?
Trust God. He knows the plans He has for you.
My mother never published a piece but her writing was exquisite. I still have her handwritten journals brimming with poetry and devotions. I remember her love of fiction and literary themes. I remember the two of us sitting around a kitchen table discussing my highschool required reading. We shared thoughts on books over steaming cups of coffee. I owe her so much. Without her mentorship, I wouldn’t be here today.
I hope you have a blessed Mother’s Day. Enjoy those loved ones. And for those of us who have lost parents, or perhaps never had a parent who fit that beloved role—just remember God loves you more than you can imagine.
Deuteronomy 1:31
‘…and in the wilderness, where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, all the way that you went until you came to this place.’
Have a blessed weekend! I’d love to hear some of your favorite memories regarding moms. Feel free to share.